But how are you going to do that when your copy is some latin gibberish ChatGPT When designers and writers work concurrently with each other . it can make the process feel more complicated . because each is adjusting their work based on the feedback of the other. But the result is almost always better. Continue reading at Creative Bloq for more tips on integrating copy into the design process. ChatGPT. Why You Should Ignore UX Best Practice by David Mannheim for UX Mastery Perhaps it’s just me . but there seems to have been an increase in scrutiny toward so-called “best practices” over the past few months. That’s probably due . at least in part . to recent high-profile failures of best practices. Crocheted birdhouse emporium Etsy found that their users wanted more results per page .
And they wanted those results faster. So the team at E Cameroon WhatsApp Number List tsy did the obvious: they started testing an infinite scroll implementation . so that users could simply continue scrolling to see more items. Surely a big UX win . right ChatGPT Not so fast. In an article for UX Mastery . conversion rate optimizer David Mannheim breaks it down: The team knew that this is what users wanted . and the user need was backed up by research. Surely this exciting new feature was embraced by the subset of users involved in the test ChatGPT Hardly. Etsy discovered that: Visitors seeing infinite scroll clicked fewer results than the control group Visitors seeing infinite scroll saved fewer items as favourites Visitors seeing infinite scroll purchased fewer items from search The thing about best practices is that they’re actually just assumptions based on someone else’s success.
And you know what they say about assumptions! (They say you shouldn’t make them . without evidence could cause you shame among your family and/or peer group if those claims turn out to be unfounded.) Now . I’m not advocating that you start breaking every rule in the Conversion-Centered Design book. Keep your visually-prominent buttons and your directional cues — we know they work. But go crazy with testing out new ideas instead of simply following what other marketers are doing. Just because something worked well for someone else doesn’t mean it will work well for us . too. Learn more about how breaking the rules is cool in the full article. Broadening your horizons Every single marketing campaign includes aspects of graphic design . UX design . copywriting . data analysis .